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KingsVale - Test game.kingsvale.org
Uptime: 100%
Port: 7171
Players: 27 / 2000
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There are 20097 players online on 437 servers
Last Update: January 14, 2025, 9:58 am

We have 514 servers in our database
Current Time: January 14, 2025, 9:58 am

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kingsvale.org Kingsvale.org | Cip Client Or Custom OTC = No Lag | USA Hosted | Up to Date Global + Custom | New City, Monsters, Items, and Quests | New End Game | New Sprites | Periodic Updates | New Challenges | Join Us! Starts in:

* Ip Server Name Players / Max Uptime Pts EXP * *
brazil Otservme.deletebra.com.brBAIAK OPEN 10-01-25299 (409) / 150083.32%127x9999PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservlunaris.arcanaot.comBAIAK WINTER UPDATE50 (174) / 200096.81%118x999nPVP[ 13.4 ]
brazil Otservlunarian.rubinot.com.brWINTER UPDATE 2024320 (970) / 200095.95%214x80PVP[ 14.0 ]
brazil Otservloucoserv.comBAIAK HERO 21-1211 (75) / 100086.24%126x800PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservlogin.antiga.onlineLongterm 7.4 BR1 (216) / 30098.99%132x1PVP[ 7.4 ]
brazil Otservlist.hellgate-global.com.brACABOU DE RESETAR0 (129) / 200092.72%141x9999PVP[ 13.3 ]
brazil Otservlimbo.tibia-old.com7.4 RL OLDSCHOOL19 (278) / 50098.23%157x20FUN[ 7.4 ]
brazil Otservkingoldtimes.ddns.netaberto 27-122 (16) / 10099.96%57x600PVP[ 7.92 ]
brazil Otservkillermamonas.sytes.netKiller Mamonas0 (3) / 10099.52%19x150PVP[ 7.92 ]
brazil Otservjoin.kelteraglobal.comKeltera NEWSERVER52 (72) / 200097.48%100x100PVP[ 14.0 ]
brazil Otservhunterot.comHunterOT Custom RESE0 (8) / 200097.58%98x3PVP[ 13.4 ]
brazil Otservholiday.servegame.comOpen 19-12 - Holiday406 (483) / 100099.39%150x99999PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservharmodin.farlusion.comWINTER UPDATE 20245 (74) / 200098.62%131x50nPVP[ 13.3 ]
brazil Otservhardgaard.comHard Rookgaard0 (10) / 200099.75%14x1nPVP[ 14.0 ]
brazil Otservgo.underwar.orgOLDTIBIA 17 YEARS ON77 (1678) / 200099.19%215x10PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservgo.tibia-elf.com.brGlobal Teleport 0 (4) / 200094.81%106x500PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservgo.styller2025.shopStyller 20254 (23) / 200059.01%63x100PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservgo.radbr-aldora.comInauguracao dia 2012 (31) / 200094.08%118x300PVP[ 10.0 ]
brazil Otservgo.orionot.onlineOrion Servers3 (88) / 200099.72%40x5PVP[ 8.0 ]
brazil Otservgo.miracle74.com1x Hardcore Slowpace266 (1039) / 100096.44%230x1PVP[ 7.4 ]
brazil Otservgo.baiaktitan.comBaiak Titan 200x1 (12) / 200098.68%128x200PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservgo.arkanum74.online7.4 HOST BR0 (116) / 200095.84%121x2PVP[ 7.4 ]
brazil Otservglobal-hard.zapto.orgRL MAP HARD NO RESET6 (48) / 20099.62%83x3PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservgenebra.servegame.comRookgaard Custom7 (20) / 2000100%36x5PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservgame.modukot.comModukOT142 (346) / 200098.72%186x100nPVP[ 13.3 ]
brazil Otservgame.exordion.com.brGLOBAL 7.4 CUSTOM6 (483) / 200099.76%136x2PVP[ 7.4 ]
brazil Otservfusion-rj.servegame.comFUSION-RJ9 (29) / 100099.84%86x999PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservfree.ramonia.netRamonia Custom Map1 (130) / 200099.51%141x5PVPe[ 7.6 ]
brazil Otservforestdruid.servegame.comForestdruid Global0 (4) / 30099.86%58x10PVP[ 13.3 ]
brazil Otservfalumirot.com.brFALUMIR STYLLER14 (94) / 40096.49%132x150PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservexhio.servegame.comExhio2 (46) / 200099.1%144x1FUN[ 10.77 ]
brazil Otservevolutrpg2.ddns.netEVOLUT RPG11 (34) / 20099.85%58x600PVP[ 7.92 ]
brazil Otservevolutionot.com.brEvolutionOT ABRIU HJ0 (60) / 200099.26%132x800PVP[ 13.3 ]
brazil Otservempireot.servegame.comEmpireOt 8.05 (20) / 3091.28%81x25PVP[ 8.0 ]
brazil Otservelysian.rubinot.com.brWINTER UPDATE 2024359 (3735) / 200098.34%248x80nPVP[ 14.0 ]
brazil Otserveclipseot.onlineSTART 10-01-20255 (12) / 200089.13%23x200PVP[ 13.4 ]
brazil Otserveagleworld.servegame.comEagle Foxworld9 (74) / 30098.12%147x128PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservdungeonserver.servegame.comGlobal Full 8.610 (25) / 1000100%21x5PVPe[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservdrakonia.arcanaot.comBAIAK WINTER UPDATE43 (1707) / 200097.06%167x999PVP[ 13.3 ]
brazil Otservdrakera.onlineDrakera0 (3) / 200094.51%95x130PVP[ 13.4 ]
brazil Otservdigimendes.servegame.comDigiMendes10 (44) / 100098.32%91x1nPVP[ 14.0 ]
brazil Otservdexsoft.ddns.netDexSoft6 (11) / 200088.89%24x99999PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservdarghos.com.brCustom Map 8.60 (4) / 35099.41%130x80PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservdarghos.com.brCustom - BotFree 7.40 (1) / 200099.65%109x1PVP[ 7.4 ]
brazil Otservdanera-global.comNEW HALLOWEEN EVENT18 (55) / 200098.2%151x100nPVP[ 14.0 ]
brazil Otservcristallion.com.brGLOBAL COM TPS28 (110) / 200099.53%102x99999nPVP[ 13.4 ]
brazil Otservcliente.mysticot.com.brMystic OT Abre hj21 (83) / 200092.78%87x999PVP[ 14.0 ]
brazil Otservcardenales-world.ddns.netBaiakVPCOPAx9xxGold 5 (18) / 80079.24%51x9999PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservbronsonwar.ddns.netAbriu 29-12-202411 (38) / 12092.35%56x3PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservbestserverot.com.br2000FreeTc-15VipDays35 (115) / 30097.04%156x300PVP[ 14.0 ]