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Started 25-01-01 valoria.one
Uptime: 100%
Port: 7171
Players: 12 / 2000
Launch    using Tibia Loader

There are 20158 players online on 438 servers
Last Update: January 14, 2025, 9:55 am

We have 514 servers in our database
Current Time: January 14, 2025, 9:55 am

Nostalgic YurOTs 7.6
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Players: - / -
Points: 0
Monsters: ?
NPCs: 0
Uptime: 99.73%
Peak Record: 80 players online on March 4, 2024, 10:19 pm CET

In the last 30 days:
25 players online on January 11, 2025, 7:35 pm CET

Server: ExtremeOT 1.5
Owner: Potinho
Added: July 16, 2023, 1:14 pm CET
Last time online: January 14, 2025, 4:01 am CET
Updated: 8 min. ago

Server description


Exp Rate:
8 - 60 level, 15x
61 - 100 level, 10x
101 - 200 level, 7x
201 - 300 level, 5x
301 - 400 level, 4x
401 - 500 level, 3x
501 - 600 level, 2x
601 - 800 level, 1x
801+ level, 0.5x

Loot: 2x
Skill: 18x
Magic: 6x

!!! Servidor dedicado !!!

# Sistema exclusivo de Optional-PVP
# Sistema de reputação, para incentivar uma comunidade amigável e respeitosa entre si. Use o comando /rep a cada 24 horas
# Sistema de autoloot para jogadores VIP e Free
# Sistema de Monster Level
# Castle War entre guilds
# Segunda promotion
# Sistema de bossroom com chance de ganhar VIP e coins VIP.
# Sistema de recompensa por ficar online
# Cast System
# Vários novos itens VIP e Area VIP
# 11 Cidades
# Craft system
# Upgrade system
# Library com loot, mapa e loot dos monstros
# Novos e personalizados outfits
# Dodge sistem por level
# Critical system por level
# EXP Shared Party system (com bonus de exp)
# OT 100% refeito
# Mensagem loot
# Trade Off
# Mais de 60 quests, incluindo 3 níveis arena, anihilator level 300 e muito RPG
# Follow system ok
# Command /buy shovel, /buy rope, /buyhouse /bless e muitos outros basta digitar /commands para ver todos.
# Tasks system 100% COM PONTOS e rank
# Vocações balanceadas
# Novas hunts free exclusivas.

-------- ENGLISH --------

!!! Dedicated server !!!

# Exclusive Optional-PVP system
# Reputation system, to encourage a friendly and mutually respectful community. Use the /rep command every 24 hours
# Autoloot system for Free and VIP players
# Monster level system
# Castle War system
# Second promotion
# Bossroom system with a chance to earn VIP and VIP coins.
# Reward system for staying online
# Cast System
# Various new VIP items and VIP Area
# 11 Cities
# Craft system
# Upgrade system
# Library with loot, map and monster loots
# New and custom outfits
# Dodge system by level
# Critical system by level
# EXP Shared Party system (with exp bonus)
# OT 100% redone
# Loot message
# Trade Off
# More than 60 quests, including 3 arena levels, anihilator level 300 and a lot of RPG
# Follow system ok
# Command /buy shovel, /buy rope, /buyhouse /bless and many more just type /commands to see them all.
# Tasks system 100% WITH POINTS and rank
# Balanced vocations
# New exclusive free hunts.