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Solera solera-server.ddns.net
Uptime: 98.86%
Port: 7171
Players: 22 / 2000
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Last Update: September 8, 2024, 9:05 pm

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Current Time: September 8, 2024, 9:05 pm

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* Ip Server Name Players / Max Uptime Pts EXP * *
brazil Otservplay.rookgaardian.comNEW ROOKGAARD 13x9 (42) / 200098.23%114x1nPVP[ 13.3 ]
brazil Otservoldzera-styller.comOldzera Styller0 (5) / 100094.34%112x50PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservon.hobyyot.com.brGLOBAL FAST ATACK15 (30) / 200098.52%112x99999nPVP[ 12.9 ]
brazil Otservtribal-styller.comNew Styller Baiak0 (31) / 200083.81%111x99999PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservquebradarpg2024.ddns.netMAPA OLDTIMES0 (33) / 10094.06%110x600PVP[ 7.92 ]
brazil Otservdungeonglobalhard.comInauguracao Hoje36 (47) / 200091.93%110x1PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservplay.styllerold.onlineDOUBLE EXP EVENT91 (121) / 50098.95%109x10PVP[ 8.0 ]
brazil Otservplay.hardgaard.comRookgaard4 (24) / 200095.56%108x1nPVP[ 13.3 ]
brazil Otservplay.arenaot.onlineNEW GLOBAL CUSTOM2 (27) / 200099.74%108x500PVP[ 11.00 ]
brazil Otservharmonia.farlusion.comNPVP - SUMMER UPDATE24 (74) / 200099.77%106x50nPVP[ 13.3 ]
brazil Otservonlyone.servegame.comGlobal 8.6 Oldschool5 (10) / 100099.81%105x5PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservon.ferobra.com.brFerobra Global1 (65) / 200097.94%105x500PVP[ 13.3 ]
brazil Otservplay.solebra.com.brBOT LIBERADO9 (20) / 200099.51%104x100PVP[ 7.4 ]
brazil Otservwarenforced.comWAR Enforced0 (3) / 200096.26%102x10PVPe[ 13.3 ]
brazil Otservplay.tibiavetus.comTibia Vetus1 (81) / 200098.86%101x25PVP[ 7.4 ]
brazil Otservdragons-baiak.onlineResets 999 ABRIU 1-988 (154) / 120094.65%101x99999PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservgame.healmot.com.brHealmOT1 (9) / 190087.13%100x400PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservlostretro.onlineLostRetro Tibia 7.41 (18) / 200094.14%100x1PVP[ 7.4 ]
brazil Otservfalumir.com.brABRE 19 07 19HORAS0 (2) / 200099.88%99x50PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservgo.tibiabrs.comNew Oldschool Server7 (330) / 200099.81%99x15PVP[ 7.8 ]
brazil Otservgxot.com.brGXserver1 (13) / 5089.67%97x100PVP[ 13.3 ]
brazil Otservfloripa-ot.onlineYUROTS LONG TERM 4 (33) / 10099.58%95x3PVP[ 8.0 ]
brazil Otservtonzera.ddns.netTonzera Server5 (10) / 50096.3%94x10PVP[ 7.4 ]
brazil Otserv54.37.38.210Beta Custom 8.600 (16) / 200099.87%94x100PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otserv189.1.172.160PokeNumb14 (28) / 5099.11%93x1PVP[ 8.54 ]
brazil Otservstatus-gladius.tibao.onlineGLADIUS 7.4 HOJE2 (261) / 200096.76%93x20PVP[ 7.4 ]
brazil Otservheimdallot.onlineHeimdall20 (124) / 100098.34%93x99999PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservunderfox.servegame.comunderfox1 (10) / 200084.15%91x100PVP[ 13.3 ]
brazil Otservlegendary-ot.com.brGlobal Legendary0 (11) / 100099.62%86x500PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservgo.moneraot.comMoneraOT48 (86) / 200091.17%86x50PVPe[ 13.3 ]
brazil Otservnormandierpg.com.brStart 09-082 (92) / 15099.95%84x50PVP[ 7.92 ]
brazil Otserv54.37.8.1808.0 TPS START TODAY0 (17) / 100075.38%82x40PVP[ 8.0 ]
brazil Otservarena.servegame.comOT Arena0 (26) / 200089.27%82x100PVP[ 13.3 ]
brazil Otservsv.adventurerpg.com.brAdventureRPG Custom11 (41) / 20097.65%82x1PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservwww.sv-havoc.comHAVOC OPEN TODAY4 (58) / 200098.75%80x80PVP[ 13.3 ]
brazil Otservgo.baiakgaming.onlineBaiak 13x - 8.66 (24) / 190083.91%79x400PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservon.real-global.netREAL GLOBAL 8.6012 (257) / 200083.4%78x30PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservloucoserv.comBAIAK HERO 16-0818 (75) / 100098.03%78x800PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservvalerys.com.brValerys OT3 (10) / 200099.17%77x1PVP[ 7.6 ]
brazil Otservwhitekingdomot.comWhite Kingdom Otserv0 (2) / 200099.89%76x5nPVP[ 13.3 ]
brazil Otservevolutrpg.ddns.netOpen 21-8 GOGO33 (49) / 20098.19%75x600PVP[ 7.92 ]
brazil Otservsv.twister-baiak.onlineTWISTER BAIAK1 (11) / 45099.81%74x250PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservgo.yubraot.onlineYubraOT0 (19) / 200099.4%73x1000PVP[ 13.3 ]
brazil Otservbaiak-fusion.ddns.netBaiak fusion0 (10) / 100099.27%72x999PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservclassic-tibia.onlineOLD GLOBAL 0 (16) / 200099.65%72x2PVP[ 7.4 ]
brazil Otservbrtibia.zapto.orgBRTibia Server3 (29) / 100075.99%71x10PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservodin.servegame.comNovo Baiak odin 30-82 (7) / 100098.3%69x50PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservfalumirot.com.brOPEN NOW19 (62) / 40093.19%65x150PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservdreams.sytes.netABRIU AGORA 13 400 (4) / 200093.96%63x100PVP[ 13.3 ]
brazil Otservbaiak-tera.servegame.comBaiak Tera4 (11) / 50096.22%59x100PVP[ 8.6 ]