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* Ip Server Name Players / Max Uptime Pts EXP * *
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brazil Otservpush-war.comXdream War1 (18) / 71782.56%62x999WAR[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservnormandierpg.com.brStart 18-120 (72) / 15099.88%79x50PVP[ 7.92 ]
brazil Otservmysteria.arcanaot.comPVP WINTER UPDATE402 (877) / 200095.3%181x300PVP[ 14.0 ]
brazil Otservholiday.servegame.comOpen 19-12 - Holiday406 (483) / 100099.4%150x99999PVP[ 8.6 ]
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brazil Otservsv.protibia.com.brGLOBAL 8.6 NEW3 (20) / 200099.96%61x50PVP[ 8.6 ]
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brazil Otservsv.baiak-hiper.comOpen 12-01-202534 (43) / 120099.31%71x300PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservbronsonwar.ddns.netAbriu 29-12-202411 (38) / 12092.37%56x3PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservevolutrpg2.ddns.netEVOLUT RPG14 (34) / 20099.85%59x600PVP[ 7.92 ]
brazil Otservplay.horizonot.com.brHorizonot2 (11) / 200098.24%46x25nPVP[ 13.4 ]
brazil Otservunderold.comUnderOld Global1 (8) / 20099.48%41x20PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservbarcelog.myvnc.comCustom MAP New Game2 (9) / 90099.8%41x5PVP[ n/a ]
brazil Otservbaiakzeus.servegame.comZeus6 (16) / 100079.01%28x9999PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservgo.darashia.onlineAbre dia 170 (11) / 50067.88%17x900PVP[ 14.0 ]
brazil Otservgenebra.servegame.comRookgaard Custom7 (20) / 2000100%36x5PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservgo.orionot.onlineOrion Servers3 (88) / 200099.72%40x5PVP[ 8.0 ]
brazil Otservserverlandia.comNEW - Stages19 (37) / 500100%42x10PVP[ 7.4 ]
brazil Otservsv.bigot.com.brAURAS- WINGS- MOUNTS0 (4) / 70061.29%11x9999PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservretroglobaltps.servegame...Evento Double Loot0 (9) / 20099.88%26x250PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservdexsoft.ddns.netDexSoft6 (11) / 200088.99%24x99999PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservstatus.mazeot.onlineG-Custom Abre 11-0152 (88) / 200092.35%50x1000PVP[ 13.4 ]
brazil Otserveclipseot.onlineSTART 10-01-20256 (12) / 200089.22%24x200PVP[ 13.4 ]
brazil Otservmelecot.servegame.comfree baiak3 (17) / 20097.53%26x400PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservshadow-bk.sytes.netBaiak Open day 1319 (31) / 100098.51%33x100PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservsv.baiak-eternium.comNEW BAIAK 8.6283 (428) / 100095.22%93x400PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservkillermamonas.sytes.netKiller Mamonas0 (3) / 10099.53%20x150PVP[ 7.92 ]