Server description
www.tibia-old.comTibia Old Server was created with the purpose to revive and >extend< the oldschool experience. With the real map and features of the 7.4 tibia version and new areas, quests, items and monsters! Without changing the oldschool gameplay that we love so much!
Below is listed more features of the server:
>> Client Features:
- Possibility to walk with AWSD keys (with option to activate with hotkey)
- Display for FPS (Frames Per Second) and ping.
- Smooth/predictive walking feature (less latency walking).
- Showing mana bar below the health bar (optional).
- Anti-bot measures and zero tolerance policy (deletion).
>> Unique Features:
-7.4 Features: No Protection zone on boats and carpet. Spells, vocations and spells formuled based on Tibia 7.4. There is no Hotkeys!
-Ability to use the command '!auto spell, manaAmount'. It will eat foot and act as anti-idle! For example, use '!auto sudden death rune, 220', or '!auto exura, 335'.
-Free Premium.
-War System.
-PVP Arena (infinite ammo, runes) for fun.
-Daily Raids with unique rewards, from usual to super rare items.
-Cast System.
-Anti Clone.
-Party Sharing Experience. You can share experience in-party with your friends, and receive 10% bonus experience when actived (!share).
-Shared Task kills in party (equally divided between members).
-No runes on Shop. They must be conjured.
-Edited Charged Runes. You conjure runes with more charges then real tibia (eg. Sd 2x).
-No Soul required to conjure runes or ammunition.
-Conjure Runes on your backpack. You can leave blank rune on your backpack to conjure them.
-Loot message on screen.
- No Wands/Rods, Burst Arrows based on magic level.
>> Vocation Features:
-Paladins conjure more ammunition. (eg. exevo con = 15 arrows)
-Mages conjure more runes. (eg. adori vita vis = 2 SDs)
-Damage increased by 10% for Knights and Paladins.
-Attack speed increased by 10% for all vocations.
>> NPCs:
-They do not sell runes.
-You can buy backpack of blank runes using the words: buy bp br or buy bp blanks.
-You can buy backpack of mana fluid using the words: buy bp mf.
-You can buy backpack of life fluid using the words: "buy bp lf";
-Merchant NPC on every city which works as Djinns and Rashid.
-Eremo sells amulet of loss.
>> Game Features:
-Bank system.
-Auto-stack items: Items like gold will be automatically grouped.
-Stone Skin Amulet not avaiable on shop or NPCs, you need to drop them from Warlock or Hydra.
>> Extra Information:
-Real Tibia map: Full real Tibia map, incluiding all NPCs, Port Hope, monsters and quests.
-POI quest with all rooms.
-Demon Oak Quest.
-Uptime: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
-Team: Dedicated team, ready to give you the proper support.
-You: We want you as a player! Your opinions, advice and / or complaints will be welcome in our forums.
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