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Started 25-01-01 valoria.one
Uptime: 100%
Port: 7171
Players: 11 / 2000
Launch    using Tibia Loader

There are 20496 players online on 434 servers
Last Update: January 14, 2025, 11:40 am

We have 514 servers in our database
Current Time: January 14, 2025, 11:40 am

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Players: 0 / 2000
Points: 121
Monsters: 31151
NPCs: 444
Uptime: 95.84%
Peak Record: 116 players online on October 11, 2024, 10:52 pm CET

In the last 30 days:
54 players online on December 30, 2024, 6:52 pm CET

Server: The ArkanumOT Server 1.3
Owner: [DEV] Proxy
Added: September 23, 2024, 11:23 pm CET
Updated: 7 min. ago

Server description

Adjusted Experience Server: 3x until level 8, and from that point, 2x.

Disconnection Time for Inactivity (AFK): 15 minutes.

Multi-client Limit: Maximum of 2 accounts per IP.

Use of BOT: The use of bots for hunting and hotkeys is prohibited. However, the use of macros for rune creation is allowed.

Custom Hunting Areas: Available in various cities, including Cormaya, Edron, Darashia, Venore, Thais, and Folda.

Custom Quests: Such as the POI (Pits of Inferno).

Banking System: Available.

Tasks: Experience and task points are available, allowing the completion of up to 3 tasks simultaneously.

Daily Creature Boost: Every day, a creature will be boosted, offering a higher percentage of experience and better loot chances.

New Outfits and Addons: Available.

Blessing System: Implemented.

No Need to Buy Spells.

Site: arkanum74.online
Discord: https://discord.gg/zTpM2P27